Investment Products & Analysis June 2024



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Investment Products & Analysis

June 2024 Examination



1.Whenever a common investor is undergoing a technical process for selection of Good Mutual Fund, what are the basic features the particular Investor will look from Investment point of view? Kindly Elaborate      (10 Marks)

Ans 1.


When a common investor embarks on the technical process of selecting a good mutual fund, several key features come into play from an investment perspective. Mutual funds are popular investment vehicles due to their diversification, professional management, and accessibility, making them an attractive option for investors seeking exposure to various asset classes with different risk profiles.

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  1. What could be termed / perceived as Important Types of RISKS in Investments & Finance world? Describe any 5 Major Risk Types. (10 Marks)

Ans 2.


In the realm of investments and finance, numerous types of risks can significantly impact returns and outcomes. These risks are inherent in financial markets and require careful consideration by investors and financial professionals. Five major types of risks include market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, and legal and regulatory risk.

Market risk refers to the potential for investments to lose value due to factors such as economic downturns, interest rate changes, or geopolitical events. Credit risk is the risk of loss from a borrower failing to


3a. Discuss SHARPE Ratio in Mutual Funds Performance with its Formula     (5 Marks)

Ans 3a.


The Sharpe Ratio is a widely used measure in finance to evaluate the performance of an investment, particularly in the context of mutual funds. Developed by Nobel laureate William F. Sharpe in 1966, it provides investors with a metric to assess the return of an investment relative to its risk. This ratio is an important tool for investors seeking to understand the risk-adjusted returns of



  1. If Rs. 300,000 Invested in Bonds with coupon / Interest rate at 9% compounding for 5 Years. Calculate Final Maturity Value as per TVM (Time Value of Money Principles. (5 Marks)

Ans 3b.


The Time Value of Money (TVM) principles are fundamental concepts in finance that help calculate the value of money over time, taking into account factors such as interest rates and compounding. In this scenario, we will use TVM principles to calculate the final maturity value of an investment in bonds with a coupon or interest rate of 9%, compounded annually, over a period of 5 years,