M.Sc Economics for Valuation JUNE 2024


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Economics for Valuation

June 2024 Examination



Q1. Jambia is a small country that has been closed to international trade and business for many decades. However, now they want to open up the economy in a hope to enjoy the benefits of globalization and achieve faster economic growth. Do you agree with their new approach? Discuss in detail.      (10 marks)

Ans 1.


Jambia’s decision to open up its economy after years of isolation raises significant economic implications. This move signifies a shift from a closed, self-sufficient economic model towards integration with the global economy. The decision is likely driven by a desire for faster economic growth, access to international markets, and the benefits of globalization. However, this shift also comes with challenges and risks that need to be carefully considered.

Opening up the economy can lead to increased trade, foreign investment, and technological transfers, which can stimulate economic growth. It can also lead to greater efficiency through specialization, as countries focus on producing goods and services where they have a comparative advantage. This can result in lower prices and a wider variety of goods for consumer It is only half solved


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Q2. Mageland is a developing country that is facing slow aggregate demand in the economy and so as a result the government has decided to adopt an expansionary fiscal policy. Discuss what actions the government could take in this regard and how that would impact the exchange rate both in short run and long run.  (10 marks)

Ans 2.


Mageland, a developing country, is grappling with sluggish aggregate demand in its economy. To stimulate economic activity, the government is contemplating an expansionary fiscal policy. This policy involves increasing government spending and/or reducing taxes to boost aggregate demand. Expansionary fiscal policy aims to kickstart economic growth, reduce unemployment, and spur investment. However, its implementation requires careful consideration of its potential



Q3a. The RBI has recently taken action against a Fintech giant due to non compliance with rules. This case highlights the role of RBI and Central banks in general in regulating the financial institutions in their countries. Discuss in detail the rationale for regulation in financial sector.  (5 marks)

Ans 3a.


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently took action against a Fintech giant for non-compliance with regulations, bringing to light the critical role of central banks in regulating financial institutions. This case underscores the importance of effective regulation in ensuring the stability and integrity of the financial sector. Central banks, including the RBI, play a crucial role in overseeing financial institutions and enforcing regulations to maintain financial stability, protect consumers, and mitigate systemic risks.

Concept and Application

The rationale for regulation in